OLD - What is a Virtual Gathering

Virtual Gathering 

Virtual gatherings are end of life ceremonies done either in part or completely online. Compared to in-person funeral or memorial services, they are easier and less expensive to set up and attend while offering many of the same rituals, traditions, and comforts. And unlike a livestreamed service at a funeral home, the online guests have a way to interact back with the host family and in-person guests. Not all virtual gatherings have to be completely online. Often times, the host family may have in-person guests as well as online ones.

Due to the lower cost and ease of set up compared to traditional in-person services, our customers often use virtual gatherings as more than just a substitute for a funeral. Families gather online to mark the anniversary of the passing of a deeply loved relative while organizations and associations use our services to honor a fallen member.

Advantages of VirtualTributes over traditional funeral and memorial services:

  • Easier and less expensive to set up

    Because the service takes place in a private home and/or online, there is no need to rent funeral home or religious facilities. In addition, fewer staff members are needed.

  • Easier to attend

    Without the need to be at the funeral home for the service, guests can save on travel expenses and commuting time.

  • More inclusive

    Without any travel requirements, many guests who otherwise couldn’t have attended an in-person funeral can instead attend a virtual gathering. This includes guests who live far away, who can’t travel, and those with tight work schedules. In addition, ease of attendance allows families to invite a broader audience including distant relatives or long lost friends.

  • Location flexibility

    The host family can choose to have the in-person portion of the virtual gathering at any location instead of being limited to a funeral home or religious facility like in a traditional funeral. Some families favor the comfort and privacy of one’s home while others prefer the convenience of a local club or meeting place.

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